Welcome to the RMS website

Why am I here?

Quest 88, a family-run company originally based in Shropshire since 1988, have now gone into administration.


Here at RMS we were offered the unique chance to purchase the rights and intellectual property of Quest’s product range and services.


This is why when trying to find their website, you have been redirected to ours.

Kaye Posture Control Walker

RMS now have the exclusive rights to import the Kaye Walker into the UK and Ireland. This means any orders you would have placed with Quest you can now place with us. Simply visit the new Kaye Walker page on our website to find out more.

Quest Tricycles


Although RMS now own the rights to these tricycles, we have no plans to manufacture these in the near future as we believe we already offer a range of comparable products at similar prices. You can see our full range on our Tricycles page.

Upi Panda Standers



As with the Tricycles,we have no plans to manufacture these in the near future. We already offer the Mini Standy and APP Multisensorial Stander from Ormesa, a perfect alternative with far superior build quality.