Benefits of Standing for Children
- Lewis Stevens
- Case Studies
- 28 Jun 2021
Take a read at all the different benefits of standing for children!
The benefits of early intervention standing:
Build overall core strength and head control for improved muscle memory and motor skills. Develop strength and endurance to stand and stetch for longer periods of time. Standing may help build capacity to stand unsupported and take steps with assistance in the future. Keep your child's body healthy as they develop improved digestive health.
Bone Density:
Children who participate in a standing program can help reduce their chance of fractures by building up the density of their bones. Research shows standing for 60 minutes daily or in sessions adding up to an hour, is needed to maintain good bone density and the benefits of improved bone structure strength.
Range of Motion:
Standing greatly helps children to maintain their flexibility and motion as they get older and grow. it is an easy of getting stretching into the users daily routine, with just 46 minutes of standing a day required. The flexibility can have a positive impact on quality of life with wheelchair transfers, bathing and dressing all becoming easier.
Hip Integrity:
As part of a standing program, standing with the hips apart - known as hip abduction - is when the user's legs are moved and supported into an outward position. Research shows that hip abduction of 15° to 30° maintained for 45 minutes a day can help with secondary hip integrity issues such as hip subluxation and hip dislocation.
Clinical Refrences:
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